Isaac Landfert

Isaac Landfert doesn’t create characters as much as he becomes them. His Authors* are varied and absurd, but always sharp and fully realized. In fact, it’s possible that Isaac himself is just another character. His expertise is packed into witty, comedically saturated pieces that aren’t written by him, but rather by the character he embodies. He has since established himself in Los Angeles, CA, where he continues to perform comedy. Prior to moving to LA, Isaac was a house performer/producer at The White Rabbit Cabaret, where he was seen in Lloyd And Harvey ‘s Wowie Zowie Show, Let’s Make a Date, and many other shows. He teaches comedy courses through IndyProv and Harebrained Comedy. In June 2020, Isaac released his debut comedy album “Isaac Landfert Live at the White Rabbit Cabaret.”

Follow Isaac on Instagram: @isaaclandfert | Listen to “Isaac Landfert Live at the White Rabbit Cabaret” on iTunes, Spotify, and Amazon Music
